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Top 3 Signs of NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)

Writer's picture: Lynn CatalanoLynn Catalano

Top 3 Signs of narcissistic personality disorder definition signs narcissistic abuse Lynn Catalano attorney author narcissistic abuse recovery coach online courses Wrecking Ball Relationships book

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

NPD is a Cluster B personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people's feelings.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a complex condition, but there are some key signs that often point to the disorder. Here are three of the most prominent ones:

1. Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance

People with NPD often have an inflated sense of their own importance. They might exaggerate their achievements, talents, or unique qualities, and expect to be recognized as superior, even without having the accomplishments to back it up. They may fantasize about unlimited success, power, brilliance, or beauty.


2. Lack of Empathy

A hallmark of narcissism is difficulty recognizing or caring about the feelings and needs of others. People with NPD often have trouble understanding how their actions affect others and may disregard or minimize others' emotions. This can make them seem cold, uncaring, or even manipulative.

Narcissists can’t express empathy.  They’re unable.  This makes them emotionally handicapped.  Empathy allows us to "walk a mile in another's shoes.” It permits us to understand the emotions that others are feeling.  It’s one of the biggest parts of having emotional intelligence. Narcissists have very low emotional intelligence.


3. Need for Excessive Admiration

They have an excessive need to be recognized, admired, praised, revered, all the time. Those with narcissistic traits often seek constant validation and admiration from others. They may be very sensitive to criticism and react defensively or with rage if they feel their ego is threatened. They thrive on being the center of attention and may demand praise or recognition, even for things that aren't extraordinary.

This is like oxygen for them and it’s also known as “narcissistic supply.” If you receive more recognition, praise, or envy then them, they will be offended and employ their favorite tactics like the silent treatment, gaslighting or triangulation.  You will be punished. 

These behaviors often manifest in various relationships—whether in romantic partnerships, friendships, or work environments—and can cause significant emotional strain for those around them.

It’s Better for You To Realize Who They Are

Narcissists all share some basic characteristics. They must always be the most important person in the room and their needs must come first. They rarely ask open-ended questions as they don’t care about the answer. They love when you ask questions about themselves. “What was it like when you achieved your goal, walked on the moon, solved world peace?” 

The sooner a problem is identified, the sooner a course can be charted designing a solution or remedy for yourself; whether you decide to learn coping mechanisms and stay or, cut and run. The better educated you are about the problem, the easier it will be to figure out what to do. Unfortunately, with narcissists, you must always keep your guard up, be on defense, hyper-aware of every word exchanged. This often makes the relationship feel like a chess game.

As I looked for answers, trying to figure out what was happening in my life, I looked up many personality disorders in the DSM-V. It wasn’t until I read the symptoms and characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder, did I realize my father had a serious problem. Consequently, I realized I had a serious problem.                                     

It’s essential to remember although these people have big personalities, demand attention and entitlement in arrogant ways, they’re deeply flawed, shameful people with poor self-esteem. Their thin veneer of confidence is an elaborate ruse to convince the world they’re the smartest and the best.


Narcissistic Abuse

After years of emotional abuse, it’s difficult for me to have much sympathy for my father. However, I see the cracks in the foundation of his personality. I also see the roots of his low self-esteem. This helped me devise coping skills so I could not only survive our relationship but also live a happy, functional, and fulfilling life.

Walking on eggshells with narcissists is no longer how I choose to live. In fact, now I spend as little time as possible with the narcissist in my life after years of emotional abuse.

If you’ve suffered narcissistic abuse, it’s critical for you to talk to someone. However, it’s important to talk to someone who gets it. I believe that in this particular form of abuse, it’s best to talk to someone who’s had a similar experience. I have experienced this insidious emotional abuse.

I can help you. 

It is critical to recognize the signs of narcissistic abuse, as it can have long-term effects on your emotional, mental, and physical health. The narcissistic abuse cycle typically involves a period of love-bombing, where the narcissist showers you with attention and affection, followed by devaluation, where they criticize and belittle you. This cycle can repeat itself over and over again, leading to feelings of confusion and self-doubt.

Healing is an opportunity.

I’d love to speak with you. Click here to book a free session with me.

One of the best gifts you can give yourself is to learn the benchmarks of healthy relationships.  I can help you learn how to resist your attraction to toxic people. 


You are the most important project you’ll ever work on. It’s time to invest in yourself the way you’ve invest in everyone else. Let’s start now.


I’ve had discovery calls with so many people who need help with this type of toxic relationship and resulting abuse but have been decimated financially. They have been left with little to recover and begin to heal. I’ve developed courses that take away the financial obstacles of working with a narcissistic abuse recovery coach one-on-one while still giving you the clarity, validation, and strategies to begin your recovery. Both courses are value-packed, self-driven, videos on demand to get you on the right path.


Subscribe to my YouTube channel to access all my videos here.

You can find my book “Wrecking Ball Relationships” on Amazon,, and


If you’re looking for my Top 10 Answers to your Top 10 Questions about Narcissists, just click here.

Check out The Narcissist Slayers podcast and follow us to stay connected.











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